Architecture 101

As I work on architectural/design tutorials, I decided to create a crash course in the process of building. Sometimes, if you get stuck, all it can take is an idea of *what* to work on next, which leads to new ideas, and new ideas. Hopefully, this quick guide will give you an idea on what part of your structure to work on next.

Each topic, such as height, roofs, materials, windows, etc... will be covered in more depth later on. This guide is meant to be demonstrative in principal only.*

*Did that sound like a legal disclaimer to you too? Good, I thought it was just me.

I purposefully chose a boring, cube structure to show these steps. The structure isn't the focus of this guide, the principals behind it are the focus.

Size and Shape

First, you should have some idea of the shape and size of your structure. Sometimes I build the entire building out of one material and work my way from there. Sometimes I have a clearer picture in my mind to work off of. The material I choose is usually the 'main' material I will build with, in this case, planks.


Every good building should have a foundation. Even if you might not see the foundation in the finished product, I encourage you to actually build it. You just might like it enough to show it off, or it might help you to make the entire structure more assimilated.


The single most important factor in my designs is how the structure is supported. Beams, pillars, columns, etc... This gives you a chance to introduce internal/external framework, contrasting color/texture, and that extra X factor.

The Roof

The roof can be difficult. I struggle with the roof design often. Usually I will start a few different designs, pick the one I like best, and finish it over the entire structure. Unfortunately, I usually then decide I don't like it and have to tear it down and start over. One simple pattern that usually works well is the alternating half-step, full block roof. A gentle slope, following the contour of the building.

Finishing Touches

The stage which is the most fun for me. This can include adding windows, changing little details, stairs, gardens, fountains, furniture, etc... I usually never reach a point where I think a structure is finished... I might have an idea for an addition in a few days... it's an on-going process.

1 comment:

  1. Hello NZPhoenix, can you please provide more pictures of the manor in the forum thread?
    Side view, more interior, and back views would be greatly appreciated and I'll be sure to give credit.
